Sunday, April 24, 2011

On the way to Cafe Desta...

Last night we were meeting some friends at Tucson's newest Ethiopian restaurant, Cafe Desta.  It was a cloudy afternoon so we left a little early to take some pics. Here is a set of three from the same prickly pear cactus.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Patient Model

I like to take photos, especially of people, but I couldn't help notice this calm grasshopper sitting on our patio table this morning.

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Terrarium building w/ my mom

My parents were recently in town, which usually means playing card games and eating out a lot. We actually had Sonoran hot dogs two days in a row.  Anyway, I took a couple of pictures of them; their 50th anniversary is coming up. These are my favorites though not necessarily my mom's.

My mom and I also spent an afternoon making these terrariums, though they are just more like potted plants in glass bowls as the bowls were too shallow, but they still turned out pretty nice. Let's see if I can keep them alive in this desert.

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