Saturday, March 19, 2016

Room Makeover

What is a normal "mourning" for taking over the room of your 20-something daughter? While at college? After college graduation? Or when they have been out of the country for two years?

That should be enough time.  She is always welcomed back, but we have several guests coming over the spring break, and needed her room.  We wanted it to still be "Zoe's" room, but cleaned up (from removing stuffed animals and prom corsages) and grown up.

Here are some before pictures:

Zoe was supposed to clean up some of her stuff when she was here for a couple of weeks last summer. But she didn't. So to facilitate the process we used three different color post-its and FaceTime. I showed her an area and I flagged it Trash, Donate, Keep.  It actually went pretty quickly. I also marked on the post-it if she wanted me to take a picture of it, and then get rid of it. She could use the pictures for a scrapbook, blog posts, or whatever. Here is her Zoe collection.

So after everything was sorted in huge bins in the hall, we had her room painted.

Now here is the final reveal! This was from her dorm room - the bottom half is for notes and mail, and there are small hooks for keys.

This bed (Ikea) is awesome, not only does it have big drawers, the bed rolls out to form a huge queen bed. There are two mattresses stacked and when you roll it out, you slide over the other mattress. We also got the side table on wheels so it can move out of the way when expanding the bed. Inside the door of the side table is a outlet so you can charge up your phone.

I was inspired by a pillow at Anthropologie.  So easy to make, cut out circles, fold them into quarters, line them up, and sew them along the top. 

But I also can swap out the pillows from some of Zoe's. The doll pillow has the border from her old "blankie."

It was fun and sticky to make the string globe lights, but I think they turned out nice. I followed the directions from here - Made Everyday.

These are her prints she made as a college photography student.

This is what is left of her clothes, plenty of room for guests.

Whew! That's done! Now onto the bathroom, always something to do!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sewing Surge

I go through phases where I lock into a particular hobby and do it until I'm sick of it, right now it's sewing with knits (using my new Brother DZ1234 serger).  Here is my latest creations - a Peter Pan french knit shirt (the collar is reversed to see the terry part).

and a striped cropped knit jacket thing.  I modified a pattern from Grainline studios, by cropping it, and not making it fully lined, but just the neck and placket.  I also narrowed the sleeves.

Once I get going it's hard for me to stop, because I figure out short cuts and routines that I'm afraid if I stop I won't remember the next time. So this time I'm taking lots of notes.